duminică, 15 martie 2009

A definition of corporate diplomacy...

According to Michael Watkins the term of corporate diplomacy is used to express the "role senior executives play in advancing the corporate interest by negotiating and creating alliances with key external players including governments ,analysts, the media and non-governmental organizations".
In a global community this knowledge is important as a major component of Multinational Organizations in implementing it's policies worldwide in matter of negotiation and strategic agenda in facing different challenges of the 21-st century .
If interested in this topic you can access open information on Harvard Business Publishing and read Michael Watkins presentation of this topic entitled "The rise of Corporate Diplomacy (finally!)
on following link : " http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/watkins/2007/05/the_rise_of_corporate_diplomac.html "

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We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.
Maxwell Maltz