miercuri, 11 martie 2009

March 11 , a day to be remembered ...

Five years ago Europe faced one of the most deadliest terrorist attacks on spanish soil . Train bombings among destroying infrastructure prodused serious casualties among civilian innocent people who were unfortunate to be there . The total number of victims were estimated at 191 , within this number were confirmed the death of 16 romanian citizens . Terrorist acts were claimed by al-Qaida and were the blodiest acts of this sort in Western Europe . We can admit that conflicts and tensions between international actors can be solved by diplomacy or war , and after that the international system should be some how balanced . But in this case we have an asimetrical enemy represented by international terrorism and it's cell proliferation as a constant and permanent danger to us and to our society . This special "beast" need special tools to protect against it . There is a questions about what we really want , to protect ourselves against it or to destroy it and hunt it down to the death ? I'll debate the issue some other time . Certain is that this tragical event marked us all and we'll never forget what happened in Madrid that time . I wish to express my simphaty and condolences to the families and relatives of those who were enjured and passed out . They are the heroes and martires of our society , innocent people who paid the highest cost , their own lives . As an act of solidarity I invite youto light a candle in their memory ...

Un comentariu:

alex chumak spunea...

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
Joseph Stalin

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."
Norman Cousins